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Become an affiliate

We sell our scripts since April 2017. Until 1 February 2021, we were selling our scripts mainly using Chrome Store, so we were not able to offer an affiliate program since chrome store doesn't have a sales tracking system.
Starting from February 2021 we offer affiliate program. If affiliate program will have success we will create an admin panel where users can get links and generate reports. For the moment we create links manually and generate reports manually as well.
How does it work?

  • 1. You send us an email and we create a link for you.
  • 2. When user uses your link we save cookies for 30 days.
  • 3. If user purchases the script - we will save that in our DB.
  • 4. At the moment we wait 6 months before paying our affiliates to protect against chargeback frauds.
  • 5. You will receive 30% of our income minus refund fees in case your users canceled the payment. We pay using PayPal or Payoneer.

Contact us to get your link

Use this link to send us an email with a prefilled subject, or send it manually to: OR
Subject: Affiliate Sign up

If you didn't receive a reply in a few days contact us using another our email.